
Birthday Girls

Our beloved Fran the Cat shares her birthday with the most adorable 3 year old I know. Some call her Nora but we prefer the Norster, Norie and NoraBoraCloraDoraFlora :)

Their Birthday’s were actually Aug 22nd but we had to wait to celebrate Fran’s until her present arrived (more about that in a minute).

But first a collage of photos to honor them both.

084 009128 056 006 norster

Nora’s mom keeps a pretty cool blog and her father takes some amazing photos, you can head over to the blog to check them both out ~ Nora’s Family

So for Fran’s birthday, since she had made it 3 years into her long life, we decided to celebrate by getting her a small gift. She is never sure which item is the present because she loves the wrapping more than the gift itself.

014CitiKitty is a multi-tiered insert that sits inside the toilet. You remove the rings as the cat gets used to using that as her litter box… 3 weeks later- Waaaalaaa … she’s trained. (results may vary)

Step 1: place the litter inside the bathroom… well, we skipped this step because fran is very laidback and adaptable.

She’s doing great… we will keep posting about her progress…But we want to leave you with a photo of encouragement!


It is possible that she is making the most disgusting face that a cat could conceivably make. Gross Fran! It took her all of 30 seconds to introduce CittyKitty to her rear-end. Per the instructions, we praised her and gave her a tasty morsel of grilled chicken.


  1. This is the most adorable and hilarius post all in one. Too bad Evie and Marv don't share a birthday! We were so close. If Fran is potty trained before Nora I'm not gonna be very happy :(

  2. hahaha!! Fran is totally going to beat Nora! ohhh poor Bec! and yes, before I read the comments, I thought Eww Fran what an Umbascuff!

  3. SHUT


    I cannot believe this.

    Just can't.

    Wilson will be so tickled when I show him this post.

    By the way, Miss Nora is adorable.

    Fran, well, you know how I feel about cats. Although one that does its business on the potty might earn some extra points!

  4. Do you have to clean the toliet more? Oh my word...

  5. Gotta show this to Michael, I was telling him that Marvin ordered Fran the toilet trainer. Ha, I love it.

    Pictures are adorable of Nora! and Fran. I like the one of her under your nonny blanket!

    You might have to enter the Fran on the Toilet in some photo contest. Maybe the site Marvin bought the product would use the pic.
